Which Olympic Event is Right for You?

I’m a huge fan of the Olympics, and although this is a little late, I think it may be fun to check out which Olympic event is right for you! I would have had it out to you readers sooner but I’ve had a busy two-plus weeks of Olympic viewing and new fatherhood (more on…

Fun with Maps 133&134

Map 133 is about soccer but, surprisingly, not Olympic Soccer Football. This map was posted by the North American Soccer League on Facebook to demonstrate the league’s diversity. There are only 13 teams in the second-tier soccer league (behind top-tier Major League Soccer) but they contain players from 32 nations. You can see all the different…

Fun with Maps 131&132

Don’t expect a lot from me the next two weeks. The Rio Summer Olympics have started and I am (and will continue to be) entranced. It’s one of my top three loves in life; my wife Beth (and very soon my son James), the Olympics, and Maps! I watch as much of the games as possible including every…

Fun with Maps 129&130

It’s been a very busy week. Beth and I have been doing baby prep in the nursery and I got a promotion at work. I’ve been doing the job for several months but now my title will match the work. As for baby James, he’s got a pretty cool room to grow up in and…