National Plan for Vacation Day

Apparently it is National Plan for Vacation Day. It falls on the last Tuesday in January every year which happens to be today. Do you have your next vacation planned? Where are you going and when? What activities will you do when get there? According to Project Time Off “51% of Americans skip the one…

Fun with Maps 251&252

The great American internet retail empire known as Amazon recently announced they would be looking for the home of their second headquarters (and they wanted potential host cities to fight for the privilege). Their list of demands wasn’t extensive. All applicant cities must have good mass transit options, plentiful tech labor, and “convenient access to…

Travel Planning 2018

2017 was a fairly active travel year for me, especially considering the baby staycation of 2016. So what’s in store for me and my family in 2018? Let’s discuss the options:   The Husband’s Trip (Already Rejected) – Seattle, Vancouver, & Banff I mentioned at the beginning of last year that I wanted to go…